Your recruitment consultant is the only person at Recruit:In Property that both you and all prospective clients will deal with at every stage of the process.
We believe that this is absolutely crucial to ensuring the most coherent and informed experience for both candidate, client and consultant alike. Communication is key to a successful recruitment process and an on-going relationship. Ensuring that the same person is at the heart of every piece of information received and relayed, ensures that everything is actioned/advised upon in the most effective way and from the most knowledgeable viewpoint in any given situation.
If we say that we’ll call to update you on something, then we will.
You will be promptly informed of any and all information/feedback received by us at every stage of the process. This includes both positive and negative information.
Whilst we are tactful in our approach, we also firmly believe in transparency and it is important that any constructive, critical feedback from a CV submission/interview is relayed in full, in order to benefit any future submissions/interviews.
We’re here to help you at every stage of the process. We pride ourselves on building long-term, trusted relationships.
You will have a direct mobile number for your consultant.
We know that it is often difficult to speak during office hours. Your consultant will happily take your call during the evenings or at weekends.
We are very experienced in all aspects of the recruitment process as well as the sector in which we recruit, and we will take the time to understand your requirements from every perspective. Consequently, we will not waste your time contacting you with opportunities that don’t fully fit the remit you have given us.