We know our sector.
Each consultant works intensively within their specific niche, growing their network of candidates through thorough research of their market. It is an organic process in which we aim not only to effectively build a people map of the industry, but also to truly understand the skills, experience and aspirations of each of these individuals. Many of these people are happy within their roles and our mission is not to challenge that, simply to understand the stage they are at within their current role and what the motivation will be for their next career move. We consult with people at all stages of their career from Graduate to Director.
We have an exceptionally high ‘CV sent to placement made’ ratio.
We’re not in business of wasting anyone’s time by sending large volumes of CVs. We value quality over quantity and would rather introduce no-one for a position (should we not find the right candidate) than send mediocre/off-the-mark CVs just to make up numbers. You will only receive CVs that fit the brief based on our thorough understanding of the role and the candidates that we’re working with.
We genuinely understand the sector and its players from both a skill-set/requirement point of view as well as a character/cultural fit perspective.
We don’t assume that all clients or candidates expect exactly the same service from us.
People and organisations all have their unique requirements and whilst the basic ethics of what we do remain the same, we are geared up to provide an array of different options to suit the clients’ needs. We take the time to ascertain how we can best aid an individual or organisation in its goals, which in turn enables us to provide each, with a bespoke recruitment solution to compliment their existing strategies. Services on offer range from standard procedures such as referencing and right to work checks, through to Isometric testing (Thomas International). Many clients prefer to keep some of these processes in-house whilst others look to us to fulfil these functions. Whatever the case, we provide you with a truly consultative and flexible service.
Working closely with our candidates, we always ensure that we’re not introducing those who may have already been submitted via another agency or applied directly.
The idea of what we do is to add genuine value to and run alongside any existing recruitment methods you may employ. There is absolutely no fee to pay unless you decide to employ a candidate who has come solely through our introduction.
You will have a direct mobile number for your consultant.
Your consultant will happily take your call as well as contact candidates where necessary during the evenings or at weekends if applicable.
What this means for our clients is a swift and well targeted approach to any recruitment needs that arise, capitalising on this wealth of knowledge.
This is something that cannot be achieved through advertising or use of an online database alone. In such a competitive industry, speed of delivery is crucial to avoid potentially losing a candidate to a competitor. At the same time, the client needs to know that they have a reliable recruitment partner who can offer them the best selection of candidates the market has to offer at that time based on that partner’s thorough understanding of their client’s requirements and the sector in which they operate. A strong network is by far the best way to achieve this and our business is built around this principle.
Your recruitment consultant is the only person at Recruit:In Property that both you and all prospective candidates will deal with at every stage of the process.
We believe that this is absolutely crucial to ensuring the most coherent and informed experience for both client, candidate and consultant alike. Communication is key to a successful recruitment process and an on-going relationship. Ensuring that the same person is at the heart of every piece of information received and relayed, ensures that everything is actioned/advised upon in the most effective way and from the most knowledgeable viewpoint in any given situation.
Many of our candidates are not actively looking, rather rely on us to keep them informed of any opportunities that arise in line with their next career aspirations.
In today’s market place many of the best candidates for any given opportunity will be the ones who are thriving and focused on their existing roles. For this reason, most of these individuals will not have their CVs online or be reading job adverts. Over the years we have taken the time to cultivate long-lasting, trusted partnerships with the industries most talented and successful individuals. There is no short-cut to this process and this is one of the key reasons we can add such value to your recruitment process.
We’re experienced in recruiting for both on and off-market positions, with the utmost confidentiality and discretion employed in both cases.
Please get in touch and we’ll be happy to discuss how we can best help you at whatever stage you’re at in the process.